• Radio: It still matters… it’s still important. Step up!

    Radio?? How…. 20th century! Well… maybe, but radio is not only important for providing [fill in: information, news, music, social connections, etc., etc. …], it’s now scientifically established that radio makes you feel better!  (Thanks to Mediazoic for the Twitter tip!) You’ll actually feel better than if you spend your time surfing the Net. And it’s also a great social […]

  • CIUT FM: 25th Anniversary Open House and party: Jan. 15

    Given the precarious state of community and other non-commercial radio, this Sunday marks a remarkable event: 25 years since CIUT began broadcasting on the FM dial. So the station is inviting all listeners & supporters to a 25 anniversary celebration: Sunday, Jan 15, 1-6pm Music Room, Hart House, University of Toronto (Map) CIUT hosts, staff, […]

  • Benefit concert for John Collins with Afrafranto: Dec. 11: Updated Dec 10

    One of the greatest archivists and collectors of West African music, Professor John Collins of Ghana last month experienced a severe flood and mudslide, which damaaged and destroyed much of the material he has been assembling since the 1970’s. His home is in the same premises, and his family narrowly escapted drowning. The Bokoor African […]

  • Afrofest replay: audio & video

    A strange bout of flu made me miss my first Afrofest in years, but whether you were there or not, you can catch some of its performances. CIUT FM, as always, broadcast most of the two day festival, and has archived all the performances it broadcast. Listen here I talked to many people who were […]

  • Toronto Radio: the importance of CIUT & CKLN

    This week (April 11-17) marks the semi-annual fundraising for CIUT FM, 104.5, If you’re reading this, then the kind of music you’re interested in would be much less available (on radio and live) in Toronto without strong, independent voices like CIUT or CKLN… and they wouldn’t exist at all without supporters helping to pay the […]