Trane Studio struggling for survival
The following note comes from the Trane Studio, the great small music club on Bathurst which is a great booster of music and art, focusing in particular on jazz plus African, Latin, world & urban musics. It temporarily lost its liquor license last year, and has been fighting its way through a bureacratic mess to […]
CKLN off the air for now & needs help
Toronto’s first community station is now off the air, having heard last month that the Federal Court of Appeal will not hear the station’s appeal of the CRTC decision to revoke their broadcasting license. That decision forced the station off the air immediately. However, the Chair of the station’s board of directors says CKLN intends […]
Toronto Radio: the importance of CIUT & CKLN
This week (April 11-17) marks the semi-annual fundraising for CIUT FM, 104.5, If you’re reading this, then the kind of music you’re interested in would be much less available (on radio and live) in Toronto without strong, independent voices like CIUT or CKLN… and they wouldn’t exist at all without supporters helping to pay the […]
Muslim World Music Day: April 12
Muslim World Music Day is an idea that came from Bob George of the Archive of Contemporary Music in New York City. The ARChive collects, preserves and provides information on the popular music of all cultures and races throughout the world from 1950 to the present. Since the ARChive’s founding in 1985 our holdings have […]