Category: Broadcast & streaming

  • Afropop: “The Field Recordings of Hugh Tracey”

    Afropop Worldwide’s “Hip Deep” feature focused last week on the pioneer English musicologist Hugh Tracey who over half a century, beginning in the 1920’s, extensively recorded and catalogued African music, especially from Southern Africa. His fascination with Zimbabwean mbira music led him to manufacture a variation of the similar African kalimba. His version became known […]

  • Okavango African Orchestra concert broadcast on CBC’s Canada Live on April 20 & 22

    From Batuki Music ( Canada Live on CBC Radio will broadcast the Okavango African Orchestra concert featuring Daniel Nebiat (Eritrea – krar/vocals), Donne Roberts (Madagascar – guitar/vocals), Pasi Gunguwo (Zimbabwe – marimba/mbira/vocals), Kooshin (Somalia – kaban/vocals), Sadio Sissokho (Senegal – kora/tama/djembe/vocals), Waleed Abdulhamid (bass/vocals) and Walter Maclean (Ghana – percussion) on the following dates: Wednesday, […]

  • Muslim World Music Day: April 12

    Muslim World Music Day is an idea that came from Bob George of the Archive of Contemporary Music in New York City. The ARChive collects, preserves and provides information on the popular music of all cultures and races throughout the world from 1950 to the present. Since the ARChive’s founding in 1985 our holdings have […]

  • Toronto Rock & Roll Stories: Great documentary on Toronto’s rock & roll scene in the 50’s & 60’s

    This March, Bravo screened a highly recommended three part documentary on the early Toronto rock & roll scene in the 1950’s and 60’s: Yonge Street: Toronto Rock & Roll Stories, directed by Bruce McDonald. From the early roots of r&b and soul, to the raunchy atmosphere of the Yonge Street bars, and the original Club […]