This is the third annual fundraising event for this project to raise much-needed funds for Njacko Backo’s childhood school, École St. Albert Le Grand in Bazou Cameroon.
The school, which receives no government support was lacking in so many basic facilities, that Njacko and his wife Valery, on visiting in 2009, decided to embark on a 5-year project to help. In the first two years, they raised over $8000 for which helped with building rehabilitation, latrines, soccer equipment and music instruments.
This year, the goal is to raise $8000. For more about the project, click here
The annual Gladstone event has a family event from 3-5pm, featuring Soli & Rob with Alistair Ant, Charlie Kert/Little Fingers Music and African Tales with Njacko Backo.
And in the evening, a remarkable lineup including Jane Bunnett, rising opera star Sahara Sloan, Cameroonian Kome Manu, plus Afroteque: a new Afro-fusion band put together by Altaf “Bwana Moto” Vellani featuring a great lineup: Njacko and Altaf, plus Celina Carroll, Maryem Hassam, Rick Lazar, Paul Neufeld and Paco Luciano).
Afternoon: $10, Evening $20. A sliding scale will also be available at the door.
Want more reasons to come out?
- It’s a great cause
- Nobody ever leaves a Njacko performance anything other than happy
- Njacko & Val support so many great causes; this is a chance to support one of theirs
- And the music will be great; as will the family entertainment.