From the Twitter- & other -verses

A few odds and ends collected or sent on Twitter (and other sources) recently.  See @tomusicpix

A retweet from @RootsMusicCanada
Fair enough. RT @alannealottawa: Kiran Ahluwalia wasn’t impressed that presenter didn’t attempt her last name #cbcjunos

Via  @RealWorldRec:
Creole Choir of Cuba recording ‘Tande’ in the Wooden Room at @RealWorldStudio
(Creole Choir is better known in Toronto as Grupo Vocal Desandann)

60 years ago: the first rock & roll concert & first rock & roll riot. Alan Freed in Cleveland:

via Assoc. Music Parents
“I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.” -Albert Einstein

From NPR Radio:
A Look Back at the Hidden Earl Scruggs“: also a brilliant guitarist.

The never-going-away debate about the term “world music”. “Outdated and offensive“?

Video: 1996 interview with Laura Mae Gross, owner of Babe’s & Ricky’s Inn, the last standing blues club on Central Ave, South Central LA.

Earworms: Why songs get stuck in our heads” BBC News Magazine