A few odds and ends from the musical world recently…
- A new double CD out on Stern’s of the late Guinean great Sory Kandia Kouyaté. Info, and some music here. Feel free to crank up the volume.
- Baaba Maal on the food crisis in Mauritania
- Reports from Senegal recently are that Youssou n’Dour was injured in the leg by a tear gas canister in the unrest over the election situation (and the court decision to not allow him to run for president). See also earlier post on this site
- And taking another musical perspective on serious political struggles, while the Touaregs of Mali are engaged in the most serious fighting with the govenment ever, attempting to establish the nation of Azawad, a new national anthem has been identifed: Tinariwen’s “Imidiwan Segdet”
- Bombino Live! Elsewhere in the Touareg world… Coming back to the Lula on April 12, here him on CBC’s Concerts on Demand here
- On YouTube: SunRa playing “Dig This Boogie“, from 1946 with Wynonie Harris
- “The Amazing Story of the Joe Tex/James Brown Feud“
- Small World Music on your iphone! Download the new app from iTunes. Music, video, extensive concert listings.