North America's only world music magazine, Global Rhythm, recently announced it was ending print
publication. A digital version of the magazine will be produced, and (free)
subscriptions are available
Partly in reaction to this announcement,
the U.K. world music magazine has made two announcements:
a) A discounted subscription offer for North American readers: $50(US)
for 8 issues, each of which includes a CD featuring tracks from the best
reviewed albums of that issue. Click
for info.
b) A future "U.S. (aka, North American, I assume) edition.
To get a sense of the magazine, see their online
Global Rhythm isn't the only U.S. magazine to close
down its presses this year. No Depression, the
alt-country/Americana magazine published its last print issue
earlier this year. It now publishes frequent articles and
reviews on its website